Menstrual cycle is more than getting periods every month. Get all your queries solved here. The length of period cycle days is dynamic. Learn about various menstrual stages & more. Leakage Protection. Soft-Touch Cover. Irritation-free Period. Have a comfortable period
If you're stressed, your menstrual cycle can become longer or shorter, your periods may stop altogether, or they might become more painful. Try to avoid becoming stressed by making sure you have time to relax. Regular exercise, such as running, swimming and yoga, can help you relax. Breathing exercises can also help.
The Menstruation Bracelet is a global symbol for menstruation created by MH Day. It stands for our joint commitment to create a world, by 2030, where no woman or girl is kept from realising her full potential because she menstruates. Click the button below to learn more about the Bracelet and how to use it.